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Following the Christ

                     Preaching the Word

                                         Reaching the Lost

What to expect when you visit Valley Baptist Church

Shaking Hands
Image by Aaron Burden

It is our goal to be the friendliest church this side of heaven. We want to welcome you and introduce you to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the greatest person you could ever know. We have several different areas of ministry. For more information click our ministries tab.


We are an old fashioned baptist church dedicated to the preaching and exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our desire to please Him above all else and follow His commandments, emulate His love and display His grace, mercy and salvation to a world lost in sin. 


Our song service is dedicated to the praise and worship of a holy and righteous God. We do not believe that the current worldly music of rock and roll is honoring to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our desire to praise and honor Him as the Bible declares in Ephesians 5:19 "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord."


We use the King James Bible only in our services and classes because we believe that it is the preserved Word of God for English speaking people. We strongly trust in the King James Bible as the inerrant Word of God. We believe what Jesus said in Matthew 24:35 "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."


Our schedule of services is as follows:


Sunday School at 10:00 am. Sunday School is about learning God's Word. We have a variety of classes to meet the spiritual needs of everyone in the family.

        Nursery Class - ages 2 and under

        Beginners Class - ages 3-6

        Primary Class - ages 7-9

        Junior Class - ages 10-12

        Teen Class - ages 13-18

        Deaf Class - this class is taught using American Sign        Language and is geared to meet the needs of the hearing impaired.

        Adult Class - ages 18 +


Sunday Morning Service at 11:00 am. There is a Beginners Junior Church ages 3-6 and a Junior Church ages 7-12. 


Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 pm. 


Kid's Bible Club Wednesday at 6:45 pm.

Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer Meeting at 7:00 pm. A more in depth study of various books of the Bible followed by a church prayer meeting, praying for special needs and requests.


A nursery is provided for small children during each of our services.

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Valley Baptist Church

304 Frontage Rd. N.

Pacific, WA  98047

Phone: (253) 939-3938

email us at:

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