Valley Baptist Church

Worldwide Missions
The heart of God and the Bible is worldwide missions. We are commissioned by our Lord to go into all the world and preach the gospel. The Valley Baptist Church is fully committed to fulfilling that command by supporting and sending missionairies in the United States and abroad. We strive to make the gospel message the focus of our time, energy and prayers. The Lord said,
The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

Foreign Missionaires Valley Baptist Church Supports

Gary and Nancy Matheny
Busteni, Prahova County, Romania

John and Neila Yelle
Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

John and Pam Quinlan
Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines

Jeff and Regina Hallmark
Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Jim and Ari Hirtzel
Port Vila, Vanuatu

Brinkley Family
Perth, United Kingdom, Scotland

Prince Family
Salto, Salto Department, Uruguay

Benjamin and Jae Park
Sejong City, Koguryo, Korea

Rea Family
Lusaka, Lusaka Province, Zambia

Eustace and Traci Kariuki
Nyahururu, Nakuru County, Kenya

Walters Family
Shibetsu City, Hokkaido, Japan

Virl and Sandy Stalnaker
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada

John and Tricia Olson
GO Deaf Missions, Worldwide
United States Missionaires Valley Baptist Church Supports

Robert and Judy Lewis
Global Independent Baptist Missions

Widener Family
Mountain Meadows Baptist Church,
Weippe, ID

Nelson Family
to the Navajo Nation, Nevada

Rick and Eunice Carter
Church Planter,
Oklahoma City, OKLahoma

Byers Family
Anchor Baptist Church
Astoria, ORegon

AJ Lutrick
Emerald City Baptist Church
West Seattle, Washington

Mau Family
Tacoma Baptist Church
Tacoma, Washington

Ron and Kathy Reasoner
Bridgeway Baptist Church
Vancouver, Washington

Sanders Family
Faith Baptist Church
Ferndale, Washington

Venegas Family
Templo Baptista
Yakima, Washington