Valley Baptist Church
Teen Ministry
Teen ministry is an important part of the future of any church. It is in the teen years that many habits and ideas become a permanent part of what kind of adult teenagers will become. Will they love the Lord or will they love this present world.
In many church teen ministries there is a strong focus on entertainment and fun, but a very minimal focus on making proper choices about who and what God wants you to be and do. Teens are taught to do what feels good or be what you want to be, but little focus is placed upon truly loving God and serving Him with their lives.
Jesus message to all of us is, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Follow Jesus is not just something we do on Sunday, but it is something we live every day and every hour.
Our Teen Ministry goal is to encourage young people to grow up to love the Lord and serve Him with their lives. We have a variety of activities including Friday Teen Nights were the teenagers get together to play some games, have some food and fellowship and then finish it up with the preaching of God's Word to help change and motivate their hearts towards Christ.
We are priveledged to have two young couples team up to work with our Teen Ministry. The Rohdes and Pooles have a strong desire to lead the teenagers into a personal relationship with Jesus Chirst. They desire to lead by example and demonstrate that serving the Lord is not just the right thing to do, but can also bring the greatest joy and fulfillment. They have lots of energy and provide fun activities and games while focusing on the preaching of God's Word.